Do I have brightness or backlight control on my LCD monitor?
Posted by Larisa Bolli on 09 July 2009 09:32 AM
The question now is what control, if any, do you have of the White Luminance Level on each of these monitors.

Although many LCD monitors have controls like Brightness and Contrast, these are just approximations of how such controls worked on CRT monitors. Quite often adjusting any of the controls on an LCD monitor simply degrades the display quality regardless of whether they actually change the characteristic you are trying to adjust.

In most cases you want to adjust the White Luminance Level. On a CRT this would be done with the Contrast control (the naming makes no sense but that is the way it is labeled). On an LCD, if you have a Contrast control, this may also adjust the White Luminance Level.

If your LCD has a Backlight control, that can also be used to adjust the White Luminance Level. However a Backlight control also affects the Black Luminance Level, which may or may not be a good thing. Adjusting the Backlight is a native (real?) function for an LCD monitor and therefore generally works better than adjusting an approximation of a Contrast control.

How do you tell if you have a Backlight control? Most LCD's that have a Backlight control call it Brightness, but this is completely different from the Brightness control that is usually found in combination with a Contrast control.

If you have only one control labeled Brightness (probably with a little sun icon) that is likely to be a Backlight control.

If you have both a Contrast control (little 50% phase of the moon icon) AND a Brightness control (little sun icon) then that is probably NOT a Backlight control.

Some monitors have all three.

Not every LCD's controls work the same. Some try to work like a CRT's controls and some do not. This can be confusing.

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