As long as my SpyderCHECKR 24 target is parallel to the camera’s sensor and cropped to the black border, it lines up with the patch sampling grid in the software no matter what edge is up. I just tried that with the 48-patch SpyderCHECKR...
Posted by Raphael Graf on 15 August 2014 07:46 AM
Q: As long as my SpyderCHECKR 24 target is parallel to the camera’s sensor and cropped to the black border, it lines up with the patch sampling grid in the software no matter what edge is up. I just tried that with the 48-patch SpyderCHECKR and it doesn’t seem to rotate as the SpyderCHECKR 24 does. Shouldn’t the 48-patch SpyderCHECKR rotate too?
A: The 48 patch SpyderCHECKR has a clear orientation dictated by the case and the software expects that orientation in the target image. The SpyderCHECKR 24 target image can be captured horizontally or vertically. The software checks the patch order and rotates the target as needed to align it with the sampling grid.
Additional keywords: SpyderChecker, Spydercheckr, SpyderCHECKR, SpyderCHECKR Pro, SpyderCHECKR 24, SpyderChecker, Spydercheckr, SpyderCHECKR, SpyderCHECKR Pro, SpyderCHECKR 24 SpyderCheckr24 SpyderChecker24 Checkr24 Checkr Checker Checker24 | |