We have always run our Student Lab with a single Spyder2. Looking at the continuous ambient light monitoring of Spyder3Elite, it seems we will have to forsake this new feature, or else buy an entire Lab full of Spyders. Is there a solution to this?
Posted by Larisa Bolli on 27 July 2009 01:35 PM
As you note, you could define an appropriate ambient light level and matching target, and use it for all your Student Lab monitors, and simply not run the real time ambient light check. But one canary in the mine is better than no canaries: if you leave a single Spyder3 attached to the most often used machine, it will warn you if the light levels in the Lab (or at least that portion of the Lab) are out of tolerances, so that you can close the blinds, douse the overheads, or fix whatever it is that has changed the light level.

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