When using SpyderCheckr with Lightroom, I sometimes “lose” SpyderCheckr. How do I find it again?
Posted by Raphael Graf on 09 June 2011 12:08 PM
Lightroom is not a typical application. It takes over your screen (or multiple screens, if you let it), and makes it difficult to switch from one application to another.

If, while using SpyderCheckr with Lightroom, you accidentally click on any visible part of the Lightroom interface showing behind Checkr’s active window,
Lightroom will come to the front, and make switching back to Checkr difficult.

The easiest way to access SpyderCheckr (or any other application) when in Lightroom, is to use the “Hide Lightroom” Command in the Lightroom menu.
However, since you will need to quit and restart Lightroom to access the calibration you are creating in SpyderCheckr, its simplest to quit Lightroom instead of hiding it,
and then not relaunch it until you are done creating Calibrations.

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